Welcome to Crocker Middle School 2023-24,  (especially New Sixth Grade Parents!)

Below are frequently asked questions (FAQ's) when entering Crocker. 


Q:        What time does school start and end?

A:         Regular Crocker hours are 8:30am-3:20pm. The first bell rings at 8:25am and you have to be in your seat at 8:30am.  Thursday is minimum day, 8:30am-2:16pm.  There are a few noon dismissal days.  Refer to this year's published Bell Schedule.

Q:        What time is drop off and where do I drop off my child?

A:         Morning drop off is between 8:10am and 8:30am at the black top (drive-through only).  Traffic is heavy, so carpooling is highly recommended. Refer to the "Crocker Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures".

Q:        What time is pick up and where do I pick up my child?

A:         Pick up is 3:20 pm at the black top (drive through only).  On each Thursday dismissal is early, at 2:16pm.  Traffic is heavy, so carpooling is highly recommended. Refer to the "Crocker Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures".

Q:        How long is each period?  How long is recess?

A:         First period is 60 minutes long and each subsequent period is 55 minutes long.  There is one recess period that is 16 minutes long, and 4 minutes is allowed for passing from class to class.  On minimum days all classes are shorter (1st period is 57 min; 2nd-6th periods are 45min). Refer to this year's published Bell Schedule.

Q:        I have heard about the Blue and Gold schedule.  What is it and is the first day of school a Blue or Gold day?

A:         The first day of school is a Blue day. Crocker operates on an alternating schedule.  For example, since the first day of school is a Blue Day, then the next day is a Gold Day.  This alternating schedule continues and weekends are excluded from the count.  Blue and Gold days are not fixed to MWF or TTh. 

An example is provided:

The Blue/Gold schedule is posted on the Blue & Gold Calendar.

Here is an example of a 6th grade Blue & Gold Schedule.  Note that PE / elective & FLEX/ World Language are alternating pairs.

Q:        Do I need to get supplies?

A:         Yes, Here is the School Supply List by grade or.......Just have your child come with a backpack, notebook with pockets and a pencil for the first two days of school.  Your child's teachers will review any necessary items.

Q:        Is there a lunch program at Crocker?

A:         Yes, there is a lunch program provided by The LunchMaster beginning on August 22nd.  Sign up here and create an account.

We need lunch time volunteers. Please sign up via Volunteer Spot by clicking on this link,  https://signup.com/go/dgrkoVf.

Q: Does Crocker have PE uniforms and if so where does my child get one?

A:         PE uniforms are typically distributed by the PE department the first week of school. Your student will receive more information on how to order a uniform the first week of school.  The PE department asks that your student wear athletic clothing (easy to move, run in) and laced up running, athletic shoes.

Q:        What are the dates for upcoming important events?

A:        CPG Welcome Coffee w/Superintendent De Arce & Principal Rocha - Friday, 8/30 (8:45am-9:45am) at Library
    What To Expect Night - Thursday, 9/5 (5:45pm - 7:30pm) with Welcome & Introductions at the Courtyard
    6th Grade Parent Networking - Friday, 9/6
    8th Grade Parent Networking - Friday, 9/13
    7th Grade Parent Networking - Wednesday, 9/18

Q:        How do I volunteer as a parent?

A:         Crocker Volunteer Sign-Ups are available on the Crocker Konstella Channel. Click HERE to register and access Konstella. 

Q:        I’ve heard about class competitions. What are the class competitions, how do classes earn points, and what are they competing for?

A:         Each year there is a healthy competition between 6th, 7th, and 8th grades for the highly coveted trip to Raging Waters. Each class can earn Class Competition points on spirit days (dress up days), through Crocker Intramural's, Canned Food Drive, and other specified competition days.

Q:        How will we keep informed throughout the year?  

A:         Stay in the know with the Konstella app and email notifications.  Read the "Crocker Parent Viking News" that is emailed to you bi-monthly and "Principal Updates" emailed every Monday.  An archived version of past newsletters can be found on this website under "Archived Crocker Viking News" and "Archived Principal Updates".   Superintendent newsletters are emailed every Friday and past newsletters can be found under the main HCSD website, Superintendent page here

Please note your Grade Lead Room Parents. They are here to help you navigate 3 years of middle school life. You may always contact them or our Crocker Parent Group President  with your concerns and issues. Grade Level Parents are assigned for each grade and will keep you informed throughout the year. Please let us know if you have any questions. Welcome to Crocker and have a great year!